Welcome, friends
We are gathered here because we have a special bond – a love for fine coffee.
And not only that. We are here because we all take pride in how we prepare and serve our favourite drinks.
This site is the home of Baristador Coffee, run by one of the fussiest &&^^%$% in the business. Steve Davis loves his brew as much as he loves ribbing his tea-loving friends about which drink is best; coffee or tea?
Browse the range of coffee and then place your order. It will be gathered at the end of each order cycle (typically, once every two months), roasted, and then delivered within approximately 7-10 days. It will be fresh, it will be delicious. Enjoy.

Next Order Deadline
By only roasting or blending to order, 6 times a year, we can guarantee your coffee is fresh – with no wastage. So, order today, join our next group order and get your freshly roasted coffee within 7-10 days after orders close.
orders closing soon

Baristador Coffee is a coffee service for lovers of fine, espresso coffee beans, who enjoy traditional “double roast” coffee while also maintaining control over their caffeine intake. You’ll find blends with three different levels of caffeine awaiting you inside.
Baristador is the passion project of Steve Davis and has been captured in song by his friend, Brett Monten. Yes, Baristador Coffee has a theme song!

Steve’s love affair with espresso began on a trip to Trieste in northern Italy in 1992. Waiting at the railway station to catch his train back to Hungary, he spied two stylish Italian gentlemen ordering small cups of beverage at the bar.
After these gentlemen downed their coffees in two sips and walked away, he was drawn to the bar, learned what they ordered, and fell in love. Since that day, only “espresso” coffee has passed his lips.

Follow on …
I love the flavour. It’s also really handy to have the different grades of decaf to choose from.
Ros Boundy

The best coffee I’ve had in years. Fabulous.
Lee Hopkins