This post is a little departure from the usual content I share because I had a few moments to play with my camera and some coffee beans today.
It only follows that the next logical step would be to share some of the spoils with you for iPad wallpaper, or other tablet device for that matter.
You will find these files are all 1024×1024 pixels, which should work well no matter which way you spin your iPad. If you click on the image you want, it should take you to my Flickr account where you can download the full-size file.
If you already have an iPad, just tap the image and wait for the Save Image box.
Oh, I should also point out these are free for your personal use and if you share them online, the only thing I require is that you provide a link back to
Here they are:
Is that enough coffee for you?
Some people need that extra dose of coffee in the morning. Will this do?
Shovel in that coffee
For those who shovel in the coffee but do so with more artistic flair, I am hoping this image will satiate your espresso desires!
There’s a Baristador in my coffee
Thought this was a subtle way of including my Baristador into your life. For those of you who are already Baristadorians, I suppose he does lurk in the shadows of your day between drinks.
Did you say strong latte?
A friend of mine, Dana, is a latte-holic so this image was created just for her. Love to see her try this for size!
Did you say strong flat white?
Having shot the latte, I was on a roll and a theme.
The land of grass and coffee
For some reason I think of paradise when looking at this image, as well as Puff the Magic Dragon. I have no idea why but I hope you like the colours, textures and fantasy.
Baristador coffee beans
An iPad wallpaper set produced by an espresso evangelist would be incomplete without a nice macro shot of coffee beans. Hope you like these, there are plenty more where they came from!
Remember, you are welcome to share them, non-commercially, and even post them online with a link back to Enjoy!
Yours in the spirit of espresso
Steve Davis
Founder / Espresso Evangelist
[email protected]
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