Message of support for BaristadorHumour is a wonderful part of being Australian and nothing brings it to the surface like a squabble between politicians.

Of course, the current leadership tensions in the ALP are serious and our economy is vulnerable to dramatic change. But that never stops Aussies having a laugh.

To that end, I put out a cheeky Baristador Coffee video on the weekend.

It was inspired by a note of support revealed by South Australian MP Nick Champion. It was apparently stuck to his electorate office window by chewing gum and said, basically, we voted for Kevin so put him back in power.

It was such an odd piece of ‘evidence’ that it had to be parodied.

The funny bits

The topic of the video has also been shared as part of a larger article about social media marketing and Aussie humour at the Baker Marketing blog – my home company.

You can read the post here: Are you having a laugh? – Aussies and social media marketing

And now, here is the video:



Yours in the spirit of espresso
