The side effects of too much caffeine?

The side effects of too much caffeine?

For a few years now, Baristador Coffee has stood for an approach to espresso that is ‘flavour first, caffeine second’.

We believe this raised consciousness and acute appreciation for the many flavours and variations of this mighty bean, rather than for its ‘kick’, has been a mark of sophistication; something that separates the true aficionado from the swill merchants.

And so it is that we stumble upon this video, Beyond Life Coaching.

All we can say is that it seems to be a spontaneous eruption of insight into the excesses of caffeine.

It is short and sweet, just like a good coffee, and we hope it might lighten your day.

A video like no other

We think this video speaks for itself. Enjoy.

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While this might not be a candidate for any awards, if it can make one person think twice about overdosing on caffeine, it will be worth the effort.